Selected Pay Comics

´Fictional TG Comics

Realistic TG Comics (Shemale…)

Solomon Tales Issue 1

Solomon Tales Issue 1

This comic is a full transformation story in a very mysterious setting. The author takes you on an intense trip into his story making you feel a part of it. Great art helps you visualizing a beginning of a new series of comics. -Viola

Shadomans Revenge

Shadomans Revenge

This comic is written out of a very interesting perspective and lets you dive deep into the storyline, containing a lot of excellent rendered TG art including a partial transformation.

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1 comment:

  1. Hiya! I've noticed that you're linking to a lot of webcomics on Well, that domain seems to be gone now. Instead, the links still work under the new domain:

    I have no idea if will continue to be supported, I guess DrunkDuck really wanted to change the domain name forever...

    So it would be nice if you could update all those links!

    Thanks :)



(sometimes only smaller party or chapters)

White like she $
Ironman: The Mighty Avengers : The Return of Ultron ($)
Angora Napkin $
Green Lantern: #
H.E.R.O $
Camelot 3000 *

Sites with TG orientated comics in a row

Smaller Stores with TG Comics


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